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Ruth Marx RS/PSHE
free resources

What is

Lesson resource pack for 5-6 lessons- exploring the theme "What is religion?" Inter-disciplinary approach. Key Stages 3-4.

It's not
banter if

"It's not Banter if..."
Display for common room/classroom/corridor around banter and bullying.
The Word download has titles/information to print. The PPT download has images and quotes.

Afro day
15th sept.

World Afro Day- 20 min presentation- ideal for form time or assembly. Exploring themes of discrimination, identity, celebration and sport.

Men's health

Movember Men's Health awareness month. Ideal for form time or assembly. Hover over images to see which are the clips. Edit to suit your school setting.

Talk Money

Talk Money Week.
PPT for Form time or assembly with clips to choose from around money and finance education for young people.

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